
Showing posts from January, 2023


 I was absent.


Today I learned how how to use pro,compromise, and con when it come to the argument of a unpopular opinion. My topic basically was abt the use of nigger/niggas used by other races. I feel as if it shouldn’t be used by any other nigga because it was used a racial slur to slaves even when segregated. Therefore, it shouldn’t be used because it’ll be used in an offense way or can be presumed in a racist way.


I made a claim on how to prevent teen gun violence in Atlanta. I learned that more activities in school doesn’t necessarily mean gun violence between teens is hoing to stop. That is said because gun violence normally happens at night and school happens during the day. My way of preventing that I think is best is therapy because a lot of people that have guns in my opinion are going through things.


 Yesterday I learned 15 vocab words and how to use them into a sentence. I learned what baroque and bestial means by heart. The assignment was challenging but an easy way to understand the words. I was able to help classmates understand the assignment as well.


 Today we learned about ethos, pathos, logos. We learned how to put those three things in the scenario. I also learned how to use ethos to persuade someone to do but something for me. Ethos, pathos, logos can help me in the long run to comprehend certain situations.


 I learned about logos, pathos, and ethos. I also learned about the rhetorical triangle which is Word/Logos, Author/Ethos, and Audience/Pathos. Logos is the evidence based on logic, facts and truths. Ethos is the believability of the speaker. Pathos is evidence designed to stir the emotions of the audience.


 Today in class we did sentences from the vocabulary work book. This assignment really helped me because it allowed me to get a better understanding. That better understanding helped me to complete part two of the assignment. Part two of the assignments was create a paragraph with five of the words which was very easy and I wrote something that really interested me which was something about a music artist.


 Today I was assigned to do a cluster about something i felt was overrated. I decided to do mine on social media because social has a lot of bad aspects. Even thought I personally be on it all the time. My subtopics were Arguments, Snapchat, Instagram, Fake, and Clout chasing. I learned how to do a clister by myself and how to incorporate three ways on why each subtopic made sense to the man topic.


Today in class I learned 15 vocabulary words. We were assigned to do 15 orginial sentences with those words. Those sentences helped me better with the understanding of the words and how to use them in a context. Especially the excersises we had to do afterward helped a lot.


 In class today we did an assignment on illuminate with writing a body paragraph. I learned how to write a body paragraph using Topic sentence, Evidence, Explaining evidence one, evidence 2, explaining evidence 2, and a conclusion. Also, learned many aspects about interviews that I can use in future interviews I have to do. Dor the rest of the class we just talked and the class just really interacted with eachother which was really cool.


 Today I learned about the writing process. The teacher also told us the steps (their are 5 steps). The step we specifically went over was step 1, which was pre-writing. I learned about clustering and how to use it in a diagram. For example, I wrote the the main topic in the middle which was job and it was 5 sub topics around and I understood each subtopic. The subtopic components were a bit confusing at first but I’m going to practice and go over them more.


 Heaven Jenkins Mr.Rease American Literature  13 January 2023                                  Learned                     We didn’t do a bellringer. We did a Kahoot and I got 2st place. Since I got first place i got a homework pasd. We did a Langston Hughes Poem test. I got a good grade on it .   


Heaven Jenkins Mr. Rease American Literature  12 January 2023                                    Learned Did “The Last 3 minutes” and answered questions about life. We analyzed a poem by Langston Hughes. “I Too” was the poem we analyzed. During the work period I got to choose a poem to analyze (which i chose “Refugee in America” ). We then got to choose multiple questions from a paper to answer to summarize or get a better understanding of the poem.

The Last 3 Minutes

Heaven Jenkins Mr. Rease  American Literature  12 January 2023                                     Bellringer        I think the ultimate purpose of life is to be happy. The  woman left happy. It showed a lot of times were people were happy. For example, when the married couple were in the woods. Life needs to be lived to the fullest. To choose you happiness over everything.       

What I learned.

 Heaven Jenkins Mr.Rease American Literature  11 January 2023                                 Learned First we did the bellringer which was a video. We went over a Langston Hughes poem and analyzed it. During work period I did 10 1 questions with questions. 

The Best Advice

Heaven Jenkins Mr.Rease American Literature  10 January 2023                           BELLRINGER  Everybody ain’t your friend was the best advice my mother gave me. I had a best friend who was dating this boy. She cut me off because she felt like it was weird that he said that. I felt as a bestfriend you cut me off for a boy I never wanted or talked too. I believed after that she wasn’t really my friend in the first place. Yes I use the advice in everyday life im ver cautious about who I call my friends.

Reflection of Class Period _ January 9th

 Today in class we watched a short film for the bellringer. The film was called "The Elevator" and we had to right a reflection and answers questions about the film in a paragraph. The class was supposed to do a kahoot but we didn't end up doing it. We also mad a blog on Google blogger which is worth 20 points which is what im publishing this on now. We did a pre-assessment with nine questions and the ninth one was a constructed response.

Bell Ringer _ The Elevator _ January 9th

Heaven Jenkins Mr.Rease American Literature  9 January 2023           Bellringer  I felt the film was funny and nasty. I disliked the bodily gasses part because it's a lot of people in the elevator and that's gross. Nobody wants to smell the body fluids thatcan make somebody feel sick. The film was about the man going to the elevator and he went it and somebody farted. He made a a gag face and his hand over his mouth.