
Showing posts from February, 2023


We worked on a group project in class. I learned how to make real world connections pertaining to myself to a story. The story ambush was really interesting because it gives you some insight of how the military is. Also, how it can be for parents to answer uncomfortable questions their kids asked them.


I woke up not feeling good but I still had to go to school because I had a test. In third period that day we did a group project that I got a good grade on. I went to fourth after and was struggling in class that day it was hard to focus. My head was hurting so it was just a hard day the whole day 


 When doing the project in class we had I learned a lot of ways to deal with unhealthy habits. I also learned how differently people think when it comes certain situations. The pros and cons of situations make it difficult to make a decision about certain scenarios. Im very indecisive so that makes it even more hard to choose a decision about whether your unhealthy habits affect you having a job


 I was absent


Yesterday I learned of a few black owned very wealthy entrepreneurs. Learned tips on how to achieve that goal. By working hard and putting in effort and making no excuses. Also wrote notes about the video we watched for my own just for the help of it and something to refer back to.


 I prepared for my game and my test in fourth period. I found out my test in fourth period was canceled. I was really excited that means I had more time to study. We lost our playoff game so that was my last game of the season. 


 I wrote a narrative about how if I was an eight year old boy how would I feel about being called nigger. Honestly, it offends at any age as long as you understand what it means. Even at eight years old why would somebody have the audacity to call you that. It’s such a hateful word, my mother taught me if you don’t have nothing nice to say don’t say it at all. That’s something you don’t say cause what it called somebody a racial slur like that I bet for a fact that person would like it.


 I worked on my project and learned a lot about black owned businesses in 3rd block. In my 4th block that’s literally my hardest class and it’s so draining. In my 2nd black that’s 2nd to hardest class just have to pay attention in there more. In my 1st period thats my least hardest it’s just a lot of work!


 I wrote a poem about one of my dreams. The dream I used was to become a marine biologists. I want to help marine animals because of the high levels of pollution. That profession just attracts my attention because of the animals.


 Today in class I analyzed a maya angelou poem. I actually understood her concept of the black pledge. I got ideas from that poem for my own black pledge and have a deeper meaning. I researched for blacked owned businesses and actually found a lot more than I excepted.


I ate food this morning. I Went to 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th period. I took a bench mark in 3rd period. Question 20 was hard and gave me a run for my money. I went to tutorial and finished my unit 2 test.


 I finished all 20 of my quotes in the assignment. I learned a lot of how Emily Dickinson was feeling. Emily seems very aware of life and how it worked, but still carried a lot of questions on her shoulders.


In class I analyzed a poem quotes. Also learned that apple tv is free the first year after you get your phone. I will be watching dickinson from apple tv because it looks very interesting and I want to see more after I saw the trailer. I learned how analyze quotes and learned that when you analyze them you should look for the deeper meaning.


 I was absent. 


 I was absent.

I was absent

 I was absent.

I was absent


 I ate ihop for breakfast. I took a test in one of my hardest classes. I packed my luggage for my trip before I go to school. I had a great time at school