
Showing posts from March, 2023


 Today I read two articles about college debt and tuition. Learned more about interest rates and how they work over time. Me personally I wouldn’t have student loans because my college is getting paid for. I really would like to go to Howard University or any HBCU that would benefit me and my needs.


 Yesterday the teacher wasn’t here but we did lesson 10 vocabulary words. We were told to do exercises 1,3, and 4 which were fairly easy. Other than that my day was okay and I had a lot of work to do for Mr.Spence. Spring break starts on saturday which is really exciting. THAT MEANS NO WORK YAY !


 Today I read an article going against driverless cars and for driverless cars. I honestly am not against it but im not for it. It mainly is based on the precautions of the safety of the driverless cars. I wouldn’t trust it enough cause things like that can malfunction. For example, its says people go to sleep in driverlesss cars it would take a miracle for me to go to sleep.


 In class I wrote a 40 line poem about my other half. She literally means a lot to me. That’s why it was so easy to write the poem because I literally think of a thousands different reasons why I love her. Not literally a thousands probably somewhere in the hundreds but yeah just shows how much I care about her.


 We read a poem in class today about something getting compared to an acrobat. I’m going to be honest I wasn’t paying attention for real to the story. From my understanding the poem was about success getting compared to an acrobat. If not then im just going to tell you how my day went, my day was amazing it was chill and I had a lot of food 😁.


 Today I thought my teacher was going to do the spin the wheel and see who presents their presentation but he changed it to next week. Instead we were given a fences test and I feel like I did well but I didn’t get to finish my essay portion because I left early. Hopefully he lets me finish because I really need my grade even though I have 95 in his class. That’s no the point but the essay was a huge percentage portion of the test and I feel like if I get to finish I may get a hundred.


 My teacher gave me a project paper that we had to choose one out of the five different types a projects. I choose the trash can one, which was basically you choosing a character and saying things that would be in their trash can but in a powerpoint presentation. I choose Troy, because he was the main character he spoke the most and I thought he would be the easiest. Troy was actually really hard to figure things out that would be in his trash can. The first one I chose was really easy the beer bottle because he was always drunk but I finished all or ten of the things I needed.


The class was given a twenty question assignment the day before and was told to finish it by today.  Those questions helped me really think of the deeper meaning, also to understand the characters a bit more. Overall fences was a good read and watch. Even though so events I didn’t like, For example, him cheating on Rose and having a baby by another woman just was NOT okay.


 We finished the second portion of the movie fences. Honestly in both the movie and the book it threw me off when Troy just died seven years later. I also realized that Raynell represented freedom because she was the only one who didn’t see how her father was because she was so young. Raynell gets to experience life freely because she just a kid and wouldn’t have much understanding.


 We watched the movie Fences and honestly I liked the movie better than the book because it let me see there true emotions. For example, the way said things and her facial expressions during the movie, it really captured how hurt she was. You can tell also that Troy was hurt or that he felt some type of way everytime a situation went on and he just played tuff about it. Troy had up these walls that that was represented by the fence.


 Man oh man! Today in class reading I Troy not only admitted that he was cheating but admitted to getting the girl pregnant. Then had the AUDACITY to come at her wrong and gaslighted her. I feel as if he should just leave and go with the other woman, because he told his wife how he felt about another woman. Me personally I wouldn’t take that and said we need space for a night.

I was absent

 I was absent 


 Continued reading “FENCES” today. When Lyons was asking for ten dollars from Troy, I felt as if yeah you’re 34 and aspire to be a big time musician you should have at least have a good paying job. I get where troy was coming from but I feel like from the beginning to where we are now in the story that Troy is very stressed out person who talks to people how he wants but sometimes makes good point. Even though he makes more bad points than good.


Today, we continued reading fences. In today’s read of the book I feel as if Troy needs to focus in good things and the potential in life instead, of the bad and having a job. Were im getting this from is when his son Cory said he wants to focus on football basically ,and that a recruiter is coming to talk to Troy. Troy was so focused on Cory getting a job and wasn’t paying to his sons wants and needs


In class we read a part of this book called  “Fences” . This book is based off a movie starring Denzel Washington. So far my feelings towards this book is that Troy mistreats Rose. He talks to rose any type of way infront of Mr.Bono. That didn’t sit right with me ,because it was a disrespectful type of talk, that talk shouldn’t be said towards somebody wife.


 Today, is Asynchronous learning day. Some of my teachers gave me work but mostly in Ap classroom. Soon I’m supposed to be signing up to yake my SAT but im a little scared. Now that I have a job I have to balance school, sport, work, and studying for the SAT. Which is a lot but if stay on top of my work then I could get through it. Which lately I have been on top of my work really ahead because im starting to have more time to just relax.


Today in class we took a benchmark. It is was honestly harder than the last one because it required more writing and adding additional things to the text. One of the texts was about religion and it was really hard for me to comprehend that one a little because of the way it was written but I got through it. The second passage was easier because I learned about it in history. I just hope I passed.


I did the same thing in class as I did the same two days before. Which was I analyzed a poem, then used a paper that guided me to actually learn how to analyze it. The paper basically broke it into steps. For example, it had literary devices, comments, vocabulary, questions, summary, and even a place to make a personal connection. It was good that we did this for three days in a row because it’s good practice for future reference. For example I could use a few of these techniques when im reading a contract or over a bank statement. You can use some of these things to help in everyday life.


 I analyzed a poem, then used a paper that guided me to actually learn how to analyze it. The paper basically broke it into steps. For example, it had literary devices, comments, vocabulary, questions, summary, and even a place to make a personal connection. This poem had a lot of interesting vocabulary. After third period, I be ready to go home because my third period is really hard. Even before third period my second period is my worst garde and it drives me crazy.


 I analyzed a poem, then used a paper that guided me to actually learn how to analyze it. The paper basically broke it into steps. For example, it had literary devices, comments, vocabulary, questions, summary, and even a place to make a personal connection. It was an chill assignment it did help a lot though with me getting a better understanding. 


 Today in class i did vocabulary questions. I got a better understanding of what fecund meant. I finished the assignment fairly quickly because I was focused and got a better understanding. Honestly, class was a breeze which I greatly appreciated because in my other classes are giving me a hard time.


In class groups we were presenting. I got a 96 on my presentation. I was surprised because im really bad at public speaking. To be honest I really hate public speaking with a passion. I’m a person who gets really bad at anxiety and it just doesn’t sit well when im standing in a group of people. I’m just glad I got a good grade on it.


Today, started off great very smooth easy day. Even though I contributed in messing up the lab in my second period. Third period we did another group activity. I honestly like the group im in because we get out work done but it also be enjoyable when we work together. Never any arguments when it comes to my group.