
Showing posts from April, 2023


 Today is just a chill day I feel like. Im just in a great mood. I know when I go to work im not going to be in one. Well it really depends only if im in the back today. I like the cooking position more than cashiering but Ive never did the cleaning part when it comes to cooking position when time to close. Anyways saturday school tomorrow and Im really debating on if I should go or go to work.


 Today were supposed to turn in our career presentation. Also, today is the ceremony for honors. I honestly want to go home and change first but what I have on will do. I just feel like this program is going to be so long lol. Hopefully I finsh my presentation tonight. I feel like the major I picked is really what im going to persue.


Started on the presentation for the college and career project. I still haven’t decided which college I wanted to use but do far it’s getting their. Overall its just been a long day honestly so much work from all off my classes. Im trying to handle one class at a time so im not late with anything and nothing is confused with another class.


 Today was basically like a part two of the career project. Today was to make powerpoints on the teo career and look at colleges in Georgia and what the benefits of the major your there for. Which I didn’t start on yet because of my Ap classes but I will have it done on time. Im glad we’re doing this because it does give you insight but I just wish we could do colleges out of the state because my parents would like me to branch out. I, Myself would like to branch out I never wanted to college in georgia honestly but its good to keep your options open.


 Today in class we did a career survey and it gave a list of careers it felt that I would be interested based off the survey. It had two that interested me which were being a sociologist or social worker. Then the class was told to answer questions that were based off of the profession. Which to me was genuinely good information because social working was something I was looking into.


 Today was just chill I was bored most of the day. Really tired and want to take a nap. Im currently at work though and had to finish this assignment. Zaxbys is aggravating when it comes to being a cashier. It’s a lot of people that work with me that go to my school but it’s really a mixture. My day ended bad though unfortunately due to some circumstances but yeah thats how my day went.


 Today was section 2 & 3 part. Honestly felt like the longest test of my life because we was in there for a long time. Probably because I finished fairly wuick but I felt like the test was fairly easy. The only thing that got me was them long readings because I got tired after a while. Overall today was good and chill. Im just glad that I personally don’t have anymore EOC’s. What I do have is Ap test im just glad they don’t count towards by grade. 


 Today we had EOC and I felt like I did good. The multiple choice was easy. The constructed response portion was basically an essay I believe I may have wrote to much. Then, my essay portion was good, it helped me get a good insight on the difference between a plant based diet and a diet with meat. Tomorrow is the second and third portion I believe. Im honestly not ready for it because today is just not going good. Hopefully, tomorrow is better but I feel good about the test.


 Today in class we went over “Susan B. Anthony on Women’s Right to Vote”. It was about woman equality and right to vote in the society. We had to right a narrative  about as if we were in the audience during Susan B. Anthony speech and give how your perceived it. It was really easy to write because as a young lady if I was alive back then I would be fighting for my right not just my rights but for all women.


We went over where to go for testing, what time to be there and what’s to be expected on the test. I’m honestly not nervous about the test I just hate taking long test. I’m just glad because the school year is almost over. Eleventh grade is by far the hardest grade i’ve been. I’ve been told that many times by people who’ve graduated that eleventh grade would be the hardest but then senior would be a breeze. Especially since I’m only supposed to have only two classes for my senior year.


 I forgot what we did in class honestly because it wasn’t a good today for me. My head was hurting and I just want to go home. Im currently on the bus with these loud individuals who seem to have no home training. This sleep when I get home about to hit so different! My apologies for not saying what we did in class today I wasn’t paying attention in class for real today.


 We wrote a essay about our opinion on if museum should keep or return historical artifacts. I was for the return aspect because I wouldn’t want something to be stolen or taken from me or my family’s history just to be looked at. I understand the aspect of knowing different aspects of another culture history but I personally would want to experience the artifact in its original place of origin. Overall the class was chill and I finished like half of my essay but im finishing the rest tomorrow.


 In class we analyzed two stories about artifacts in museums. One article was for keeping these valuable artifacts in the museum and the other was for the a artifact stay in there original place of origin my personal opinion is to return the artifact from its original place. Its very important part of people culture and family history it shouldn’t be taking away or stolen just to sit somewhere that supposedly safe but it’s belongs to its historic roots.


 We went over strategies in class on how to pass the EOC test. I honestly don’t have any anxiety about the EOC because I’ve talked myself through if I do have any anxiety about it thats it’s going to be okay. The strategies in class will help even though half of the strategies were already a given. I’m just not prepared for the essay part because I don’t like writing for real but it’s whatever.


 I didn’t do much in class today I just got a packet because the teacher wasn’t here. The packet was about the story “The Model Millionaire”, it was a good story that represents society. Often times millionaires are not very community oriented but in this case it was a beautiful way of helping. Anyways after class the day went by smooth, really went by quickly had to do a lot of homework.